Instant Digital Land Plot

Instant Online Scottish Land Gift Pack

When you purchase the Bandrum Land Gift Pack, you know you are buying the best that is available. The pack is entirely digital, so a unique password is sent to you by email which gives you access to the part of our website where you can personalise and print the essential documents you'll need for your plot. This pack is ideal for anyone who wants their plot instantly!

Once you have your unique code after paying for the pack, you will need to enter it on our website to be assigned a plot. You will then have the opportunity to personalise your documents and print them. These are the things you will have access to:

The Instant Online Scottish Land Gift Pack - Available on the website to legally own in seconds

Instant access to your plot with a code sent to you by email.

  • Your plot registration number
  • An exact plan of the Bandrum Estate showing the precise location of your plot
  • Personalise your individualised legal Contract of Sale related to your specific plot.
  • Download your own personalised Certificate of Lairdship
  • Put your own name(s) on the Laird of Bandrum headed notepaper and print as many copies as you want. This is unsurpassed value!
  • Write a personalised dedication on the High Keeper’s Board which you can either download or send directly to a friend, or just simply write your name on it and frame it

Purchase an Instant Online Scottish Land Gift Pack

Once you complete your purchase, we will email you a unique code for you to enter on our website. You will then be assigned a plot number and will be able to personalise your documents.

Looking for Multiple Plots?

Big discounts available when buying multiple plots. See our multi-buy page

Enter the email address to send the code(s) to:



Genuine Certificate of Purchase

The Bandrum Land Pack is the most legally binding of any similar product on the market today. A full legal contract (drawn up by our Edinburgh solicitor) and certificates are included with your documentation.

Our Guarantee

We have hundreds of very satisfied customers. Please read our testimonials. However, in the unlikely event that you arenot completely delighted with the Bandrum Land Pack, simply return it for a full refund.

“Excellent Transaction~ My husband was absolutely thrilled with this package.”
“Very Impressed! Thanks so much for a great transaction! AAAAAAAAA+++++++++++”
“Thank your for your prompt service. How exciting to own a wee slice of Scotland to go with my lineage. In doing so, I am also doing my bit to preserve its natural beauty. Thank you.”